New Year Vibes…

Just few more days left for the new year to arrive, a new day to begin with blast. The whole week from Christmas to new year eve is something magical holding upon our vibes of new vows. When just a few days of 2018 are left, I’m totally in love with penning down some of the glorious phases I have shared with my innumerable span of time. Best differences were made in my life throughout all the beautiful events and the enjoyment I have dealt with.

Fantasies around the magical corner, January reveals my greatest hopes with healthy mindset. We can start over a new vibe and begin a new pattern of thoughts. New year, new feels, new breathe, new chances, new dreams, fresh starts. I dare to believe in myself, I deserve all things magical, a new connection to start over the world. May the new year bring an abundance of amazing opportunities, beautiful moments and joyful experiences to start over new beginning.

Gosh!! I totally love the new year, it is symbolic of new beginning and fresh resolutions. For me, new year has always been a synonym to have a new start , blast of new thoughts and a bliss to continue with new supercool vibes. I’m not a strong believer of vows or  new resolutions to make every year, but I do believe in positivity with the upcoming new chronicles.

2018 has been a great year for me, lots of wishes got fulfilled, lots of dreams met new hope. A whole year with accomplishments and positive energy has been a true bliss to  me. I met some of my favourite celebrities during events, I have spent the most glorious days with family and closest friends. So, I’m welcoming 2019 with lots of positivities and I want this year to bring me happiness and new vibes of dreams and destiny.


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