Revisiting the Spontaneity of Park Street…

Park street is all about cheerfulness and spontaneity and Christmas is the best time to revisit the streets of Park Street. Christmas here is so beautiful, people throng the strrets in thousands to join Christmas spirit and make merry. It is the most vibrant during this week of New Year, decorated with colourful lights, Christmas trees, colourful balls, tinsels, stars, it becomes  very special. Allen park at the junction of Camac street and Park street is specially decorated and stage is made where live performances mainly Christmas carols and jingles are being sung.


So Park Street is all about ‘the street that never sleeps’. It is lined with restaurants and pubs and is always buzzing with tourists and activities much like La Rambla in Barcelona or the Champs- Elysees in Paris. On last 24th I took a ride to revisit the candling memories of Park Street, accompanying with my closest friends, my first destination was South Park Street Cemetery. In the mean of lighting extraordinaries, if you are looking for one of the spookiest things to do in Kolkata, that will definitely be heading towards this cemetery.


Right of the busy Park Street, I was surprised how quiet and peaceful it was within this decaying ancient cemetery, which was set up in 1767 and includes around 1600 tombs. If the weeping trees and the moss covered tombs aren’t already scary enough, the occasional squawk of a crow will make things a little freakier.



Next stop was Mamagoto,Park Street, without having food, any journey would be incomplete. So, we chose to visit this Japanese restaurant. The Banoffee pie and the Caramel Sponge cake set a high concluding note t our meal. A new dish of Kolkata Spicy noodles and the fiery Thai shrimp fried rice was so delicious that we craved for more of it. We enjoyed each an every moment here, the mocktails of Lichi flavour were awesome enough to be here once more.




After finishing the meal, we headed to the churches alongside, we revisited the streets through the glory of Flury’s , Hard Rock café and stopped by Oxford Bookstore. Park Hotel, Park Mansion everything makes this place even more prettier, even more fabulous!! I’m absolutely in love with this place covered up with ancient histories all over the world.


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